Tunghai University was established in 1955 and it is located on the level plateau of Taichung’s Tatu Mountain. Tunghai University, a liberal institution is full of scholarly elites and abundant resources and is well-known for its beautiful campus …[more]
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The final camera ready version guideline
The final camera ready version guideline
We accept both Microsoft Word and LaTex format in the Lecture Note Series. Prepare your paper in the exact format. Failure to do so may result in the exclusion of your paper from the proceedings.
From the following link http://www.springer.com/series/8767, please read the instructions for authors carefully before preparing your papers.
The final version will be limited to 10 pages following LNCS conference proceedings style and guidelines.
Please compress your source file and its PDF file as a ZIP file, and then upload to the website.
Final papers will be limited to 10 pages and not be shorter than 6 pages. Extra page will be charged.