Introduce- Tunghai University
The Luce Memorial Chapel is the landmark on campus. It was designed by the firm of noted architect I. M. Pei (who has numerous award winning projects including Pyramide du Louvre at Paris and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland).
Conference Venue-Humanities Building
清新溫泉飯店 (Fresh Fields Hotel Taichung)
The banquet of ICS 2014 will be held at Fresh Fields Hotel Taichung.
Fresh Fields Hotel Taichung (in Chinese)
Address: No.2, Wenquan Rd., Wuri Dist., Taichung City 414, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Accommodation Hotels
The Suggested Accommodation near ICS
How to Make a Reservation
Hotel List
1. 裕元花園酒店 (Windsor Hotel Taichung)
Address: No.78-3, Sec. 3, Taichung Port Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +886-4-2465-6555
Suggested room and rate: NTD 3,410~4,400 /Day
Room Types & Rates (NTD)
雅緻單人客房一大床(Superior Room-Single) NT$ 3,410 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
雅緻雙人客房一大床(Superior Room-Twin) NT$ 3,740 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
豪華單人客房一大床(Deluxe Room-Single) NT$ 4,070 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
豪華雙人客房兩小床(Deluxe Room-Twin) NT$ 4,400 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
Reservation from should be email or FAX to:
紀怡如 Doris Chi,, FAX: +886-4-2462-1966
2. 福華大飯店 (Howard Prince Hotel Taichung)
Address: No.129, Anhe Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +886-4-2463-2323
Suggested room and rate: NTD 2,200~6,200 /Day
Room Types & Rates (NTD)
高級單床房(Superior King) NT$ 2,700 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
高級雙床房(Superior Twin) NT$ 3,000 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
豪華雙床房(Deluxe Twin) NT$ 3,500 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
行政雙床房(Executive Twin) NT$ 3,800 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
Reservation from should be email or FAX to:
林頤 Akina Lin,, FAX: +886-2-8369-1177
3. 東海校友會館 (Tunghai Alumni House)
Address: No.181, Sec. 3, Taichung Port Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Suggested room and rate: NTD 1,700~2,400 /Day
Room Types & Rates (NTD)
雙人客房(Twin Room) NT$ 1,800 /Day
一般四人客房(Standard Quad Room) NT$ 1,700 /Day
全新四人客房(Superior Quad Room) NT$ 2,400 /Day
Reservation Direct Line:+886-4-2359-2134
4. 台中商旅 (Hung’s Mansion Taichung)
Address: No.593, Sec. 3, Taiwan Boulevard, Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +886-4-22556688
Suggested room and rate: NTD 6,500~8,000 /Day
Room Types & Rates (NTD)
經典客房(Classic Single) NT$ 6,500 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
精粹客房(Deluxe Single) NT$ 7,000 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
菁英套房(Chief Studio) NT$ 8,000 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
Reservation from should be email or FAX to:
FAX: +886-4-22522522 / /
5. 金典酒店 (The Splendor Hotel Taichung)
Address: No.1049, Jianxing Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Suggested room and rate: NTD 3,000~4,000 /Day
Room Types & Rates (NTD)
高級單人房(Superior Single Room) NT$ 3,000 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
高級雙人房(Superior Twin Room) NT$ 3,500 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
豪華單人房(Deluxe Single Room) NT$ 3,500 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
豪華雙人房(Deluxe Twin Room) NT$ 4,000 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
Reservation Direct Line:+886-4-23288000 Fax:+886-4-23246009
E-mail Address:
6. 星享道酒店 (In Sky Hotel Taichung)
Address: No.18, Fuxing N. Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +886-4-27062208
Suggested room and rate: NTD 2,372~4,488 /Day
Room Types & Rates (NTD)
火星客房一大床(Mars Room for 1 people) NT$ 2,372 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
火星客房一大床/二小床(Mars Room for 2 people) NT$ 2,772 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
土星客房二中床(Saturn Room for 3 people) NT$ 3,540 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
木星客房二大床(Jupiter Room for 4 people) NT$ 4,488 /Day 含早餐(Include Breakfast)
Return the completed reservation form via e-mail
or Fax: +886-4-27083308